Cifereca sentoksiĝo; Suno fermas lernejon; Fiŝo-jubilo; Poŝprogramo pri parenceco; Kaj sentiĝas am’
добавлен 24.05.13 08:05
Cifereca sentoksiĝo; Suno fermas lernejon; Fiŝo-jubilo; Poŝprogramo pri parenceco; Kaj sentiĝas am’
6 Minute English
добавлен 17.05.13 16:00
How much can you learn when you're tired? Can lack of sleep have a negative effect on students' performance?
Ruby NoName Podcast
добавлен 12.05.13 21:17
6 Minute English
добавлен 10.05.13 16:00
The Queen loses her temper: why noisy drummers angered Dame Helen Mirren.
6 Minute English
добавлен 03.05.13 16:00
Millions of pieces of junk are floating about in space. Rob and Jen talk about ideas to clean it up.
Ruby NoName Podcast
добавлен 01.05.13 13:17
6 Minute English
добавлен 26.04.13 16:00
Could you live in a flat that was just 30 metres square? Jen and Neil discuss ways to cope with life in a tiny home.
Ruby NoName Podcast
добавлен 22.04.13 10:17
6 Minute English
добавлен 19.04.13 16:00
Music streaming on the internet: why you never need to buy a CD again. Join Finn and Rob to find out more.
6 Minute English
добавлен 12.04.13 16:00
Could the gelada monkey help us understand how human speech developed? Find out more in this programme. |
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