Разбирая архивы мы нашли неопубликованные эпизоды. Этот материал был записан во время RailsClub 2016. Но уже скоро RailsClub 2017.
Ruby NoName Podcast
добавлен 21.09.17 03:00
Разбирая архивы мы нашли неопубликованные эпизоды. Этот материал был записан во время RailsClub 2016. Но уже скоро RailsClub 2017.
6 Minute English
добавлен 14.09.17 14:05
Tim and Neil talk about interactions that can be misunderstood by people of different backgrounds, and teach you useful vocabulary
6 Minute English
добавлен 31.08.17 13:58
In a competition for control between laughter and breathing and speaking, laughter always wins, says a neuroscientist. Neil and Tim discuss the...
6 Minute English
добавлен 24.08.17 14:22
What would happen to the world if all the clocks stopped? Neil and Rob wonder if we are slaves of time
6 Minute English
добавлен 17.08.17 12:07
Rob is keen to share funny videos - he loves cat ones. Neil is not interested. What makes people want to share them?
6 Minute English
добавлен 01.08.17 12:29
Rob and Neil discuss if honesty is a product of living in a social group.
6 Minute English
добавлен 27.07.17 16:55
Rob and Neil discuss if honesty is a product of living in a group.
6 Minute English
добавлен 20.07.17 03:00
Do you want to be invisible? Neil and Dan explore how we are being watched.
6 Minute English
добавлен 13.07.17 03:00
We hear stories about pets who manage to find their way home, even across hundreds of miles? How do they do it?
6 Minute English
добавлен 06.07.17 03:00
Why is the self-help industry so successful? Rob and Neil improve themselves and teach you six items of useful vocabulary in this episode of 6 Minute... |
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